
Elliott Garofalo


Elliott is responsible for the strategic direction, and go-to market strategies for the company. Having spent the last 20 years advising companies, from startups to Fortune 50, on business transformation initiatives, Elliott has set his focus on bringing the next evolution of professional services to the technology industry.

Having developed and refined business market strategies while having P/L responsibilities for start up companies to billion dollar lines of business during his career, the idea of Nubis Now’s innovative approach, and disrupting an entire industry drives him each day. His pension for challenging the norms, leveraging cross industry business processes, and fueling high growth organizations, perfectly positions Nubis Now for success!

Having lost his father, who served in the USMC during Vietnam, at an early age as a result of Agent Orange, Elliott is intent on helping Veterans and their families. A founding principal of Nubis Now is to give back to our communities, and support those who need it, and deserve it most. He believes our business success should be based not just on our financial statement, but also by our impact to the community.

Dennis Kehoe

President and Co-Founder

Through the application of technology and business accruement, Dennis is a recognized business transformation leader across multiple industries. Over the past 30 years, and prior to co-founding Nubis Now, Dennis has worked with multiple consulting firms, including Accenture and Price Waterhouse, to provides services to clients ranging from start-ups to Fortune 50 transform their business operations through business process and technology reengineering. Dennis has a history of successfully building and leading innovative high performing Pre-sales, Global Delivery and IT support organizations.

Dennis’ current focus at Nubis Now is leading the development of its cross industry professional services crowd sourcing application, NubisPlace.